Gifts of Materials

The University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries welcome gifts in any format which add to the body of scholarly knowledge, compliment and enrich the Libraries’ existing collections, and support the instructional and research programs of the University.

Due to the high cost of storage and processing, we are unable to accept every gift. We encourage prospective donors to provide a list of materials including the title or description and condition of the items. Items selected must fall within the scope of the Library’s current collecting priorities and support the University’s teaching and research mission. Gift materials most desirable for the Library’s collections are relevant works not already held by the Library. Gifts are made with the understanding that they become the property of the library, which has sole discretion regarding their retention, location and considerations relating to use.


The appraisal of donated materials is the responsibility of the donor. By law, the library may not formally appraise gifts or participate in an appraisal.

Tax deductions

If your contribution is valued at more than $500 and you wish to take a federal income tax deduction, the Internal Revenue Service requires you to complete IRS Form 8283.

If your contribution is valued at more than $5,000, the Internal Revenue Service requires a qualified appraisal. Consult IRS publication 561 on Determining the Value of Donated Property. If you have obtained a qualified appraisal, please include a copy with your gift.

If you have books or materials to donate, please consult the latest Gift Materials Acceptance Policies.