Giving to the Libraries
There are a variety of ways to support the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida. To speak to a development team member, please contact the Development Office at or (352) 273-2505.

The seven libraries of the University of Florida form the largest academic information resource system in the state. The Libraries include specialized collections in science, health, architecture, history, languages, art and music. Our collections cover all subjects, from agriculture to zoology. Six libraries are in the George A. Smathers Libraries system, and one (Lawton Chiles Legal Information Center) is attached to the law school’s administrative unit.
All of the libraries serve the entire community, and each has a special mission to be the primary support of specific colleges and degree programs. Each year over three 3.6 million students, faculty, staff and researchers visit the Libraries. Many more visit online using the vast electronic resources.
Support from private donors like you is essential to continue to build the collections – both print and electronic – and provide outstanding services to students and faculty. When you make a gift to the Libraries you support the entire University of Florida and help ensure that students and faculty have the resources, materials, and services needed for success. Your gift does make a difference.

Smathers Libraries Capital Campaign Prospectus
The Libraries are poised to discover and share resources from the past and present that will shape our future and are essential to the intellectual vitality of the university and to attract talented students, faculty and scholars to the Gainesville campus. We can grow higher, faster and farther with your support than with public funding alone.