The Library Leadership Board serves as the board of advisers for the Friends of the George A. Smathers Libraries. The purpose of the Board is to focus attention on the mission of the Libraries in support of excellence in scholarly resources and research services for the University and to stimulate gifts of funds and of books and desirable collections of material not otherwise obtainable.
Library Leadership Board Directors
- Maruchi Azorin
- Mary Ellen Burnett
- Maria Huff Edwards
- Katherine Egolf
- Sandra Fackler
- Robert Girardot
- Anne Haisley
- John Ingram (emeritus)
- Randy Kammer
- Lauren Krebs (student representative)
- Wesley Marston (emeritus)
- Hannah Norton (library faculty representative)
- Steven Pliskow, M.D. (emeritus)
- Michael Price (emeritus)
- Ted C. Prosser, Jr.
- Czerne Reid (faculty representative)
- Amy Sandberg
- Bruce A. Smathers (emeritus)
- Terry Smiljanich
- Donovan Welch, Chair
- Richard Wells
- R. J. Wiltshire
Ex-Officio Members
- Judith C. Russell, Dean of University Libraries